Arcola VFD Partners with Stone Springs Hospital and Red Cross for December 2 Blood Drive

Save a Life ! Donate Blood Today !
The Red Cross normally conducts their Southern Loudoun Blood Drives at Stone Springs Hospital every 60 days. Due to Covid-19 restrictions Stone Springs Hospital has partnered with Arcola VFD to host these drives in our larger Meeting Hall. The Arcola VFD Annex is about 2 minutes North of Stone Springs Hospital at 24300 Stone Springs Blvd.
This drive does require that you reserve in advance so please sign up today.
Schedule your appointment at www.redcrossblood.org and use sponsor code: “StoneSpringsHCA” or email Pam Leins at pamela.leins@hcahealthcare.com, or call 1-800-733-2767 (also for eligibility concerns) If you are Type O, A-, B- blood type and fit the height/weight requirements, please consider making a POWER RED donation. Your donation can help twice as many donors. Please remember to bring to eat a healthy breakfast/lunch and drink extra water before donating, and to bring a photo ID with date of birth.